From Chess to Kalaha and Ludo, from „Tier zu Tier“ to „Camel Up“: About 300 people from all kinds of nations had a lot of fun together at the „Café Mondial Plays“ in the Humboldt-Gymnasium-cafeteria. Young and old, long-time residents and newcomers in Konstanz and members of Café Mondial, „GemeinsamGarten“ and „Kulturtafel“ were mixing up at the gambling tables, by playing table football and table tennis,. Several refugee families from the nearby Wessenberghalle came too and took much pleasure in an easygoing day. Everybody enjoyed the time of laughing and chatting, and the delicacies at the buffet. A very special thank-you deserves the staff of the Humboldt-cafeteria for their active help and several food donations. Furthermore this afternoon would not have been possible without the commitment of the „Spieleteam“, Steffen Bogen and the Seetroll. We are all looking forward to the next Café Mondial Plays!